Tuesday, December 17, 2024

New Challenge @ Shopping Our Stash #SOS537


Today begins a new challenge at...

Shopping Our Stash // #SOS537 ...A "shopping your stash" challenge with a theme!!  The theme for our new challenge that begins today is "My Precious"!!  What does that mean??  We want to see those things that are precious to you that you have been holding on too!!  For me it is my last pack of snowflake vellum...can't get it any more and I love it!!  Also, this vintage lace...came from my mom's sewing box and I use it very sparingly...can't get any more of it either!!

What do you have in your stash that is precious to you??  We can't wait to see your precious items that you have been hanging on to.  Hop on over to our blog for all the details and to gather us some additional inspiration from the rest of the design team!!

Today's card was inspired by 4 additional challenges...

CAS on Friday // #298 ...A "clean and simple" challenge with a sketch for this current CAS challenge!!  This sketch was perfect for showcasing my vintage lace for the SOS challenge since I only like using small pieces at a time.

Jingle Bells // 2024 Wrap Up ...A monthly Christmas challenge that keeps us creating year round so that we don't get too far behind!!  The month of December wraps up the 2024 year of fun Christmas challenges!!

Festive Friday // #FF0174 ...A "inspo list" challenge!!  This current challenge is celebrating the "12 days of Christmas" and they want us to use 3 of the 10 elements list on the "inspo list".  For today's card, I used pink, silver, and shimmery jewels!!  Merry Christmas!!

Allsorts Challenge // #AC811 ...An "anything goes" challenge with a theme!!  The theme for this challenge is "lots of white"!!  I clean and simple card naturally has a lot of white space but I also layered white on white to keep it very white...with a little splash of pink!!  All items except for the lace are from Stampin Up...retired...that is why they are precious to me...they are no longer available!!

Update: Yippie!!  This card was chosen by the Allsorts design team as a "top 5"!!  And....It was also picked by the CAS on Friday challenge as a "top 3"!!  Two pick on this card!!  What an honor!!  Thanks for the "shout outs" on my card!!

Verse of the Day: (courtesy of YouVersion)


  1. Beautiful card, I too would hoard that vellum it's lovely.

  2. Wonderful texture on this gorgeous card. Thank you for sharing at Allsorts. Sarah

  3. Lovely card. You used your three elements so well. Thanks for joining us at Festive Friday.

  4. Very Pretty Card. Thanks for playing along in the Festive Friday Challenge
