Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stacey's Jewlery Challenges

Check out Stacey's Jewlery/Color challenge!! It is fun to create a card from her jewlery selections. She posts a item of jewlery and a set of colors to use as your inspiration--come join the fun!!
I used Pink Passion as my main panel--ran it through the CB using the Happy Birthday embossing folder--layered it with black and attached it to a white base--the square panel has a black base and 4 punched out white squares--each square has a punched out flower made with two flowers and held together with a black brad--I finished it off with a white ribbon!!


  1. What a wonderful take on the challenge! Gorgeous!!

  2. WOW! Another beauty. I love those - you guessed it - those flowers!!!! YOu are such a flower child! LOL.

    Don't you love that necklace????

  3. This is a wonderful card, Deb! I love the (reversed) flower embellishments mounted on the squares:) Thanks for playing in the Jewelry Color Inspiration #27 and for sharing your darling card!
