Saturday, June 13, 2009

VivaLaVerve Challenges for week 2 &3

Well we made it back from Florida!! We had an awesome trip!! We drove 15 hours from VA to South Florida to visit my sister and her family. We had so much fun with them--4 little boys with lots of energy!! We also stopped at Sea World on our way home. My kids (14 & 13) loved it!! We spend two day there and then headed home. The first card is a thank you card that I want to send to my sister. I used the VivaLaVerve challeng for my sketch and the twist with this sketch was to use something new--I decided to use the rub-ons that I got at Sea World to scrapbook with. I figured the boys would get a kick out of getting a card with Shamu on it!! My second card is also a VivaLaVerve sketch--the twist for this one was to use lots of white!! So there you have it!! I am hopeing that I will get to stamp this week--I really missed it while I was on vacation and I missed all of you!!


  1. hey deb: glad you had a great time and that you're all home safely. seems like ages since i've seen ya.

    these are fabulous. i love the shamu image. and, as always, the white card is beautiful.


  2. Welcome home, Deb! Glad you had a wonderful time! Both cards are great...I'm still trying to decide about that daisy die. :-) Love the pink 'popping' on the white, textured BG.
