Saturday, May 11, 2024

A 2 Card Saturday


Card #1 inspired by 2 challenges...

CAS Colours & Sketches // #536 ...A color challenge!!  Pool Party, Pebbled Path, and Lost Lagoon are the colors called for in this current color challenge.  I right away thought of these two step stamping sea turtles.  They are perfect for laying up Pool Party and Lost Lagoon.

Retro Rubber Challenge // #rrcb230 ...A retro stamp themed challenge!!  A challenge that asks us to use stamps that are over a year old.  This set from Stampin Up came out in Jan of 2023, and I thought is was perfect for the current "Out to Sea" challenge.  This little girlie has laid her eggs and is headed "out to sea".

Hooray!!  This card was chosen as a "top pick" by the Retro Rubber design team!!  Thanks for the shout out on my turtle card!!

Card #2 isnpired by 2 challenges...

Scrap~N~Sketch Challenges // #SNS265 ...A sketch challenge!!  This sketch was perfect for showcasing the inspiration challenge over at Just Add Ink.

Just Add Ink // #JAI701 ...A "just add" challenge!!  For this current challenge we are "just adding" inspiration from the given photo.  My inspiration from the photo...color combo (orange, yellow, and red), the patterned back of the chair (dry embossed matching pattern), and the flowers (stamped & die cut).

Verse of the Day: (courtesy of YouVersion)


  1. Love the sun peeking out Deb, such a happy use of the inspiration! Thanks so much for joining in at Just Add Ink. Nikki-JAI design team.

  2. Beautiful cards! Love the sentiment on the sunshine card! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!

  3. So pretty, love the turtle and your challenge combo, the colours are perfect. Thank you so much for playing along at Retro Rubber. Claire DT x

  4. Love your card, perfect for the challenge. Thank you for playing along with Retro Rubber Challenge Blog.

  5. Turtles are such intriguing creatures, and you've brought yours to life with our challenge colors! Thanks so much for joining us at CC&S!

  6. Love how you made your sunshine on your card. Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap.
