Thursday, May 23, 2024

"BAKE" Things Better


2 challenges inspired today's card...

FarmQuest Challenges // #FQCB52 ...A "country/farmhouse" challenge with a theme!!  The theme for this current challenge is "kitchen tools".  How about those country mice mixing it up with a whisk and a spoon!?!

Inspire.Create.Challenge // #IC168 ...A color challenge!!  Any red, pink, or purple are the colors called for this week.  I used water color pencils for my red, pink, and purple.

Verse of the Day: (courtesy of YouVersion)


  1. Super cute! Those little mice!!! Thanks for sharing with us at Inspire.Create! Have a lovely day!

  2. Such a sweet card, those mice are adorable. Thanks for joining us at Inspire.Creaye.Challenges.

  3. Squeak! Squeal!!! Super cute little kitchen helpers!! I like the cheeriness of the color palette too that works well with the white and light gray! Thanks for creating and sharing for FQCB #52! --Becca (And If want, this can be shared at FarmQuest General Store and also at FarmQuest HomeStyle Kitchen challenges blogs.)
