Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Verve April Release Week Challenges

Here are my 4 cards for this weeks challenges from Verve in celebration of thier new releases that will unvailed on Friday night.  Go to the Verve Blog to see some sneak peaks.  All 4 of the challenges were fun.  #1 was the hardest one for me and when there was not sketch for #4 I just sat there for a while trying to decided what to do.  I got used to the others being sketch challenges and it just kinda threw me for a loop.  I did get all 4 of them done!! Yeah!! Maybe I will be one of the lucky winners this time.....I have my fingers crossed!!  Even if I don't get lucky this time I can go shopping over at the VERVE store and so can you!!


  1. WOW Deb! You've been busy. These are all gorgeous! I sure hope you win!

    P.S. When I mentioned the VA earlier this week, I meant the Vets. Admin. But sure would have loved to have gone to Virginia and I DEFINITELY would have looked you up!


  2. These are all just GORGEOUS! I love that butterfly one! Thanks for playing! :)

  3. Great cards, Deb! Especially love the blue/brown card w/butterflies and new hardware! Had a blast on my trip but sure did miss my stamping. :-)
