Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Color Challenge: Crushed Curry, Rich Razzleberry, and Basic Black

Here is my card for today's color challenge over at SCS. Today we were to use Rich Razzleberry, Crushed Curry and Basic Black. Well, I must say that this was quite the challenge for me because I am just not very fond of the Crushed Curry!! As I sat and thought about what I could make that would include this color I thought about pottery and then I remembered that Wanda (cullenwr) had showed me how to make a vase out of the Ornament stamp from Stampin Up. I thought now it I sponged it up I bet I could get the Crushed Curry to look like a piece of pottery--so that is what I did.
Below you will find some pictures show how to make this vase. Now I must say that Wanda did tell me that this was not original with her but I could not remember where she said she found it and I could not find it so I decided to take some pictures of me demonstrating it so that you could give it a try. If anyone know who the originator of this is let me know and I will link back to them as well. But for now you can take a look at these........
Using the Ornament Punch from Stampin Up punch out leaving a space at the bottom--this will give you a flat bottomed vase--super easy!!
Then all you need to do is sponge around the edges to make it look like a piece of pottery!!

The above card was made with one of these vases as the main focal point. I stamped the "reeds" from Stampin Up's Pocket Silhouette set and then attached my finished pot over them--layered it on some Rich Razzleberry and then attached it to my background which I had made using a embossed piece of Basic Black as well as a piece of Razzleberry Lemonade DP--just a few embellishment to finish it off--Hemp, ribbon, and brads. Thanks for stopping by to take a look!! Let me know what you think.


  1. The sponging really adds nice depth to the 'vase'! Those pocket silouette images are perfect for this idea...I don't have that set but need to come up with an alternative to fill the 'vase'. :-)

  2. This is gorgeous!! I love the sponging and that dp!

  3. Very cool card----thanks for the little tutorial about making the vase--even though I don't own that punch quite yet. Like your use of the challenge colors, too!
