Thursday, September 10, 2009

Smile!! Try really had today to smile....

Smile!! Try really had today to smile, and make someone else smile!! You will be amazed at how good it makes you feel!! I am saying this to myself as well--it is a great reminder on another rainy, dreary day!!

I paper pieced my tree and added 12 brads--yay I know that is alot for such a small card!! It did make it really cute though!! I finished it off with some ribbon and some hardware. I love this type of card--thanks to va.sunshine for the inspiration. I have seen several of these in her SCS gallery and I think they are perfect for gift bags!!


  1. hey deb! oh this is beautiful!

    hope you are well. i've been sooo busy! not enough hrs in the day for me. but i've been watching what you've been doing. just pacing my comments.

    i think of you often. hope your summer was fabulous!

