Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Latte Love

 2 challenges inspired today's card...

Color Hues // #TCH86 ...A color challenge!!  Lilac & Lime were the colors called for in this challenge.  I used Stampin Up's Luscious Limeade and Highland Heather for my duo of colors.

Sketch Saturday // #SS750 ...A sketch challenge!!  I love the inspiration of a sketch challenge...a great startig point for a card.  I replaced the geometric shapes with some mugs of coffee.

Verse of the Day: (courtesy of YouVersion)


  1. Awwwwww...what a sweet way to use our challenge colors DJ! All of our coffee (or hot cocoa) lovers are going to LOVE this! Thanks so much for sharing with us at The Color Hues Challenge! Marcia (DT)

  2. Love those cups, DJ! You had me at coffee! Thanks for playing along at Color Hues, I love your creativity when it came to the hues of Lilac and Lime. Take care!


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