Tuesday, May 14, 2024

New Challenge @ Cards 4 Guyz


Today begins a new challenge at...

Cardz 4 Guyz // #C4G347 ...A masculine challenge with a given theme!!  The theme for this challenge is "Stars & Stripes"!!  It is my dads birthday and he loves all things patriotic so I decided to use this retired stamp from Stampin Up and full-fill the theme with some red, white, and blue.  I got stripes on my flag and a star on my brad!!

#C4G347 // Stars & Stripes

Now it is your turn...What will you do for this "Stars & Stripes" theme??  Go check out some of the other takes on challenge,  our design team gave you lots of diverse inspiration!!

2 other challenges inspired today's card...

TicTacToe Challenges // #tttc247 ...A game board challenge!!  My winning three in a row run down the right hand side of this game board.  Plaid, stripes, and dry embossing for the win!!

Try A Sketch On Tuesday // #TSOT646 ...A sketch challenge!!  This sketch paired up perfectly with the C4G challenge to make a birthday card for my dad!!

Verse of the Day: (courtesy of YouVersion)


  1. Love your Heat Embossed Flag Deb! Great use the sketch! Thanks for sharing with us at TSOT!

  2. Great card - the embossed background works so well.

    Helen x

  3. Your flag image really pops against the white embossed background and using that red plaid on the corners is perfect. Thanks for sharing your card with us at TSOT.

  4. Love your fabulous "stars & stripes" card with the embossed background and really cool flag! Thanks for sharing with us at TSOT!

  5. Deb, this is a wonderful stars and stripes card - love all the texture. Thanks for playing over at TSOT.

  6. Great patriotic card, Deb, and perfect sketch interpretation! Thank you for sharing with us at TSOT.


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