Sunday, May 12, 2024

New Challenge @ Sunday Stamps #SSC335

 Happy Mother's Day!!
Today begins a new challenge at...

Sunday Stamps // #SSC335 ...A color challenge!!  From the palette of 5 colors chose at least 3 to use on your project.  Our "Soft and Subtle" palette is showcased in a photo of shells and I kept them theme for my card.  For my take on this color palette, I used Stampin Up's Moody Mauve, Petal Pink, Mint Macaroon, Mossy Meadow, and Blushing Bride.

Now it is your turn!!  How will you use our "Soft & Subtle" palette??  We can't wait to see your creation!!  For all the details on our new challenge that begins today, hop on over to our blog where you will find those details along with great inspiration from the rest of the design team.

Card #2 inspired by 3 challenges...

Inspire.Create.Challenge // #IC167 ...A "CASE the designer" challenge!!  For this challenge we are CASEing a card made by Verity.  My inspiration from her card...I loved & CASEed the shaded & embossed Kraft background, the collections of potted plants, and the long sentiment across the bottom.

Just Us Girls // #JUG726 ...A "WORD" challenge!!  GAREN is the word used for this current challenge!!  I created a garden of potted herbs for my take on this challenge.

INKspirational Challenges // #IC315 ...A theme challenge!!  SEASONAL is the theme for this current challenge!!  I picked SPRING as my season and Mother's Day as my special occasion.

This card was chosen as a winner by the Inpire.Create.Challenge design team!!  What an honor!!  Thanks to the team for the shout out on my Mother's Day card.

Verse of the Day: (courtesy of YouVersion)


  1. I like the fancy embossed background you gave your potted herb garden! Terrific card, Deb. Thanks for sharing it with us at Just Us Girls!

  2. Lovely card, I especially like the embossing of the background. Thanks for joining us at Inspire.Create.Challenges.

  3. I love the color of the background and the embossing, Deb. The herbs look good 'planted' against it. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Just Us Girls.

  4. I love the embossed craft piece--gorgeous! The whole card it beautiful! Thanks for sharing at Inspire.Create!

  5. Beautiful Mother's Day card! I love the gold with the green. The pattern in the background is very beautiful. Thank you for joining us at INKspirational and I hope to see you playing along in our current 'Spotlight Technique' challenge!


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