Thursday, February 20, 2025

Father's Day 2025


4 challenges inspired today's card...

TGIF Challenges // #tgifc512 ...A sketch challenge!!  A clean and simple sketch challenge that worked perfectly with pairing up with a clean and simple challenge over at...

The Paper Players // #PP725 ...A clean and simple masculine challenge!!  I think masculine cards are some of the easiest card to make clean and simple.  Guy cards don't need a lot of bling, bows or glitter needed for them!!

Cupcake Inspirations // #CI611 ...A cupcake inspired challenge!!  The photo of cupcakes that is given for our inspiration is all about, black, and white!!  This color combo makes for a great Father's Day card.

Time Out Challenges // #TOC282 ...An inspiration challenge!!  The colors in this inspiration photo are red, black, and white.  A classic color combination that is perfect for a clean and simple Father's Day card.

Verse of the Day: (courtesy of YouVersion)


  1. I've always liked those hats! Great CAS design. The red sentiment is a real pop. Thanks for joining in with my CAS Masculine challenge this week at The Paper Players.

  2. Nicely done, great use of the colors.
    Thanks for playing our Color Combo Challenge at Cupcake Inspirations Challenge. Have a great day!

    Leanne DT Member/CIC

  3. Great way to combine challenges, Deborah. The grid of men's hats works well for all of them. Thank you for sharing your card with us at Time Out.

  4. Awesome masculine card! So glad Kim’s lovely bag inspired you to play cards with us this fortnight at Time Out Challenges!!
    Hugs, Kate (DT Time Out)!


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